George had today's devotion. He shared some thoughts on how easy it is for us to think of doing good deeds....but how often, and how many of us actually take action and really do anything? It's like that show on tv called "What would you do?". So many people see a situation, have an opinion on it, but don't want to "get involved". How much different would our world be if we were all involved? What would happen if we were always looking out for each other, not to judge or to criticize, but to help? Look, I am realistic...I know that with our communities as diverse and large as they are, it's hard to know when it's okay to say or do something. Our society has gotten to the point where we have to be careful not to offend. But at the same time, within our own groups and in the world in general....we could make a difference, even if to only one person along the way. I still say that kindness can overcome cruel, love can overcome hate. Where does that start, how can we make a difference? Well, we have to listen when that little voice tells us to act.
For example....two nights ago some of us were in town. A fight broke out between some young men. The fight seemed very one sided as there were several guys taking turns beating on one man. Of course, it is not safe to get in the middle of something like that, especially in a foreign country, but there were at least one of us ready to stop it if it hadn't stopped itself. Also, two mornings ago a couple who were traveling from Argentina to Mexico (and had camped overnight here at the church) were packing to head on their way. Some had thought to wish them well, but one of us suggested we pray for the young couple before they left. There were also several who had given them a few dollars to help them on their journey. Last night we received a message from them thanking us for being so kind. We did do anything for the thanks, but for the love. The point is not that we received gratitude, but that someone saw a glimpse of Jesus's kindness in us.
My message in all of this is that we should not ignore opportunities to act when we are called. If there is something in your head telling you to do something, take a chance, act on it, and see where it leads you. It may just lead you to a small town in Costa Rica, or a tiny village in Hondouras, or a city in the Appalachian Mountains. It may only lead you down the street or across town to church or a neighbors house...but you'll never know if you don't pay attention now will you?
Remember this, if you remember nothing else from this message...."Not all of us can do great things, but we can all do small things with great love." -Mother Theresa
Today was "operation get it done" day. We thought we only had a little work to do on the stairwell tower (because our materials were about gone), but since we have the resources, we purchased enough additional fiberglass board to complete walling up the interior. The guys were up and down those ladders, while the ladies handed up materials until the job was finished. There was a dove sitting on two eggs in her nest (the nest had been built between the metal studs) and that had to be relocated so the walls could be enclosed. Now the only thing left is to finish out the inside and paint. Maybe that will be done before we return, but if not, we know we'll have something waiting. Also, maybe the permits and drawings will all be ready to start work on the ramp the next time we are here. Regardless, whatever is in store for us, we are ready for the next challenge.
Church services tonight and tomorrow will be a day of relaxation. We will no doubt travel to a beach or mountain to just reflect on our time here. We are blessed that the weather has been very nice and that we are surrounded by God's glory no matter where we go.
The mama dove does not seem to mind her new location either. She was sitting on the eggs tonight.
Tearing down the old shed for materials to use on the new shelter.
None of the metal will go to waste
Roofing materials were also removed from the old building
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