Our day started with Terri's devotion. The story was of a girl whose produce stand was destroyed by a traveler rushing to catch a flight home after a week long sales meeting. The one who knocked down the stand caught his flight, but one of his co-workers had a twinge of compassion for the girl and decided to go back and help. He missed his flight, asked his buddies to call his family to inform him he'd be later than expected, and went back. Well, the story goes on and as the man paid for the damage his friend had done, the girl, who was 16 yrs old and blind, asked the man..."are you Jesus?. The man answered that there was no way he could be Jesus, because Jesus would not have caused the damage in the first place. Jesus is kind and good and loving. The girl answered that she only asked because she prayed that Jesus would help her and "he sent you. Only God knows who will do His will. Thank you for answering His call."
This story begs the question.....Has anyone been able to see Jesus in us? Have you ever been mistaken for Him? John 14:12 says
"I tell you the solemn truth, the person who believes in me will perform the miraculous deeds that I am doing, and will perform greater deeds than these, because I am going to the Father. So maybe we won't turn water into wine....and maybe we won't part any of the seas...but we can certainly be a blessing to someone. All we have to do is answer His call. Is He calling you? We did some hard work today. Painting on the wall was almost finished. The concrete pad for the new storage building was finished. The ladies rescued some banana trees and relocated them around the property, and paint for another project was purchased. We are all exhausted and fulfilled knowing we have done good work today. Tomorrow is new day with new adventures. Some of the team will paint the home of one of our old friends, and some will begin constructing the walls of the new storage building. In all that we do, we strive to serve the Lord with humility, grace, compassion and love. We continue to pray for our relationships here and at home. God please keep us safe and watch over our families and friends at home. Good night! This is how we do concrete in Costa Rica.... |
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