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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Whew....glad that job is done!

Hello from (not to rub it in) sunny Costa Rica, where the breeze is blowing, the sun is shining and it's about 90 degrees! 

We started our day with another delicious breakfast of pancakes, fresh pineapple and watermelon.  I must say, I'm getting used to 3 meals a day, and I'm glad I don't have this at home, but it's hard to get straight to work on a full stomach.  Anyway...

Morning devotion was given by George.  He talked about how one person's actions and choices can effect another person, who can effect another person, and so on.  You know, the 'ripple effect'.... like a pebble being thrown in a pond.  It hits the water and the ripples spread out from there.  As Christians, it's like that with us.  What we do and say has an effect on everyone around us, both the good and the bad.  But lets focus on the good. 

George shared with us how there was a man in his church who was the first person in the church who went on a building team.  From that trip, George's dad started going on building teams, and then George started going with his dad, which is how he wound up in Costa Rica.  Reid and Wanda went to church with George in Lexington, NC and from that, Wanda started going on building teams, from that influence, Reid started, then Terri went with a youth group, then the group from Nashville UMC started because Reid and Wanda got a trip together.  From the group that started in Nashville, several other people have been called to join teams.  And it's not just building teams.  Dennis and Kay are now involved with work at La Estrella where they tutor hispanic children.  Good stuff right?  See how the chain reaction happens, the ripple effect.  And think about this.  George also shared that he has run into people he met 10 years ago, in another town, while on a building team.  Those people remember him because of the work he helped do in their community.  When someone does not return, they are asked about and are missed.  It is amazing the people we can touch and influence and how what we do, and how we act, leaves a lasting impression.  We are the same way.  I bet every one of us can remember a time when someone did something nice for us.  I pray we are leaving good impressions, and good memories, and being good influences for those we meet here.  Bonds are formed when you do good things for people.  Bonds that last because of the common love of God.

The work today was pretty intense.  We finished the tile work in the new common room and the men prepared for a very large project in the sanctuary.  Tomorrow, they will begin installing ceiling tiles.  The ceiling is about 40 feet high or more, so we need everyone reading this to be praying for safety and quick work.  The women will try to complete the planting beds around one side of the church, and we will all continue from there.  We will do as much work as we can and if we can't finish this project, hopefully someone else will be able to get it done.  If not, we'll finish it when we get back next year.

Dawn had the evening devotion.  She talked to us about how hard it sometimes is for us to allow people to do things for us, but how much we really do need others.  We need to not only be open to helping others, but we also need to be open to receiving help from others.  There are times in our lives when we are faced with trying times, not knowing how we are going to manage and get through.  Sometimes we have those angels, who recognize our needs, and step in with an encouraging thought, or information that may lead us to the help we need.  When someone offers a hand, don't be afraid or too proud to reach out and grab a hold.  Don't forget that your immediate family, your wife or husband or parents are not the only family you have.  As Christians, we have family all around the world... praise God!  You also have your friend family, your church family, your work family and your gym family.  You have people who love you for you and will be there for you if you need help.  Hallelujah and Amen. 

Our prayer for you tonight is that you remember that God is with you, that you impact people all around you whether you know it or not, and that your family is huge, and they love you. 

Scripture readings for today:
1 Thessalonians 3:6
Jeremiah 29:11
John 14:1
Psalms 91:11
Galatians 6:2
Ecclesiastes 4:10 & 12

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