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Monday, January 20, 2014

What's your comfort zone?

Wow, I sure hope I can get photos posted soon, because I really want you all to see the work that is being done on this trip.  I'm still trying, and maybe I can just post photos soon..... we'll see.  In the meantime....

This morning, before breakfast, Todd gave us some very tasty "food for thought".  He talked about being sent out of our comfort zones.  Todd shared about how, when he was asked if he'd like to come on this mission trip, and was going to be expected to give a devotion, he thought that he didn't know any of us, and wondered how and if he would fit in.  He also shared that once he got here, how it took no time before he felt very welcome and comfortable with us all.  He knew that God had sent him here, but he had no real idea of what to expect.  As Todd was talking, you could just see and know that everyone was thinking of when God had sent them out of their comfort zones.  Reid shared about his first trip to a nursing home and was asked to pray over a resident there.  It was not what he expected when he agreed to accompany a friend for a visit, but it helped him in later years when he was part of a youth group who visited the nursing home regularly.  Someone else shared how they had never really felt comfortable praying out loud, but once they had been on their first mission trip, they became much more comfortable with "public" prayer.  How about being called out of your comfort zone, which involves leaving your children at home while you answer God's call.  We have 4 couples on this team who have left their children in another country.  Not just one parent or the other being gone, but both.  Two couples have grown children, but 2 have small children.  If you have small children, you understand how uncomfortable this is for them, not that those precious angels aren't being well cared for.  But the point is.... God is always with us.  We can feel comfort in knowing that he will not send or lead us anywhere He is not present.  This is why we are able to leave our families and our jobs and our normal day to day lives to come here.  He is with us.  Isn't that awesome!!  He will never send us where He is not with us.  Amen!!

We continued work today.  The ladies continued to extend a block wall to prepare some planting beds.  The men continued to lay the tile in the upstairs meeting room, and to finish a ceiling over the entrance to the ladies restroom.  It has been a wonderfully productive day.  The flower beds are ready to be painted (the concrete block) and flowers will be purchased tomorrow.  The men have only a few more rows of tile to lay before the grout goes in.  Later this week ceiling fans will be installed and that that part of the addition, which we started 3 years ago, should be about finished.  (just a note here..... we have been told that plans for another second story addition have been approved.... can you say.. Job Security?)

Just before supper, Ashley gave our second devotion for the day.  She talked to us about how God chose us as His children, we didn't choose Him.  How often do we look in the mirror see the things we don't like about ourselves?  How often do we look and see just what God sees?  He loves us just as we are, with all of our imperfections.   In God's eyes, we are perfectly made.  After Ashley's devotion, she asked us all to go around and tell one thing we liked or are proud of, about ourselves.  While it was not an easy task, and it certainly took almost everyone out of their comfort zones, we were forced to look and see ourselves as God sees us.  Wonderful, special, talented, gifted human beings.  Again I have to say, Amen.

Is God calling you to move outside of your comfort zone?  Do you have something He is telling you to do, but you are resisting?  What are you afraid of?  Why aren't you listening?  My prayer for each of you is that you take a chance, risk it all and go where He is telling you to go.  Remember, He will not ever leave you alone.  He will not allow you to be consumed by the beast.  He will not allow you to fall.  Trust in Him with all of your might.  Take a chance my brothers and sisters, step out and see what wonderful things you can accomplish and experience with God at your side.  Don't be afraid.  He loves you and will never leave you.

Scripture references for today:
Isaiah 43:2
Acts 18:10
Psalms 139:14

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your updates! I look forward to reading them every day... continued prayers for a blessed trip for you all... Looking forward to pics!
