Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How strong is your faith?

It's a beautifully windy day today, and we are blessed with the presence of God in all we do. 

Morning devotion was given by Barry.  He read from the book of Genesis and talked about how God sent Abraham out to sacrifice his only son, Isaac.  Abraham, trusting God, set out with the wood to build the fire, and his son, to the place God told him to go, knowing what he was about to do.  You can imagine how heavy Abraham's heart must have been.  But, he knew that God was a merciful God and he trusted God, so he went.  He was obedient and went.  What would you do?  Is your faith strong enough to trust that God knows what He is doing when He calls you into action?  Do you trust Him to be merciful and all powerful?   The story goes on to say that Abraham had bound Isaac and just before he actually followed through with God's command, God provided a sacrificial lamb and commanded Abraham not to harm the child.  Praise God that Abraham was spared the pain and agony of having to do what he was sent to do.  Equally important, praise God that Abraham listened when God told him not to harm the child.  You know what would have ultimately happened had he NOT heard and obeyed God at that moment.   I can honestly say that I pray God does not ask me to do the same.  He chose Abraham because He knew what Abraham would do.  He also knew what Isaac would do.  Is it possible that Isaac knew what was going on and trusted God as well? 

I'm sure this story can be interpreted many ways.  But how about this..... maybe God chose Abraham because He knew how strong Abraham's faith was.  Maybe He sent Abraham as an example for all the generations that followed, of how God is all powerful and merciful and expects obedience from us.

God knew us before we were even born, and knows the choices we will make in all that we do.  So maybe the story of Abraham and Isaac is not told as a test of faith, but as an example of faith.   Do you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you?  Do you know when God is calling you?  Do you trust Him and have Faith that He will provide for you?  God provided the lamb for Abraham to sacrifice in place of his only son.  Do you believe that God would do any less for you and me?  God always provides, remember that. 
Today was very productive in that we finished the tile work in the large meeting room, and the men's group will use it tonight for their meeting.  We finished the flower beds around the back side of the church with soil, painting and some really beautiful tropical plants.  Also, the men have been working on installing framework for ceiling tiles.  There is a lot more framing to do, but we're getting there.  Again, I sure wish I could get photos to load to this blog, but no matter what I try, it fails.  Maybe we'll be able to do a slide show and post that site here soon.  

We hope everyone at home is enjoying the snow as much as we're enjoying the sun.  Hopefully, your weather will warm up some soon and at least clear out the ice.  We're praying for you and we miss you all.  We know God is watching over you so we are comforted in that. 

We say goodnight to you now, and we'll talk with you again tomorrow.

We love you.

Scripture reading for today:
Genesis 22

By the way..... I encourage you all to open your bibles and read the scripture for the day.  It may take you a few minutes but you will be blessed and be very glad you did.  Amen, and amen.


  1. Glad everyone is doing well. So thankful that you chose to answer God's call with this mission trip. I still hope to one day join you on a trip and see all the work you have been doing in person. Looking forward to your return and to hearing more about the trip. Praying for safe work and that God will use you in mighty ways. We love each of you and appreciate your service. Wayne Lamm

  2. I have been praying for you guys. The pictures on Facebook and the blog entries have been wonderful. I'm excited about all that you have been doing to build His kingdom! God bless ya'll!!! Marko.
